Author name: Deepika Jalan

All about Non Convertible Debentures (NCDs)

Often, we read articles about Non-Convertible Debentures (NCDs) in newspapers and mobile news applications. What are these instruments? Why are they issued? What advantages does it have? Well, lets start with the basics. Debentures are financial instruments issued by companies and corporations to raise fund. These are debt instruments issued mostly with the intention to

All about Non Convertible Debentures (NCDs) Read More »

Shadow Inflation – what is it and why we should know about it

We all have been hearing and reading a lot about inflation. Inflation basically means the prices of anything and everything is rising, making each thing expensive and our lives difficult. Inflation is at its peak now, and Central Bank of each country is trying its best to keep inflation in check. Recently, Fed had revised

Shadow Inflation – what is it and why we should know about it Read More »

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